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Neural networks trained on datasets such as ImageNet have led to major advances in visual object classification. One obstacle that prevents networks from reasoning more deeply about complex scenes and situations, and from integrating visual knowledge with natural language, like humans do, is their lack of common sense knowledge about the physical world. Videos, unlike still images, contain a wealth of detailed information about the physical world. However, most labelled video datasets represent high-level concepts rather than detailed physical aspects about actions and scenes. In this work, we describe our ongoing collection of the "something-something" database of video prediction tasks whose solutions require a common sense understanding of the depicted situation. The database currently contains more than 100,000 videos across 174 classes, which are defined as caption-templates. We also describe the challenges in crowd-sourcing this data at scale.
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Object movement identification is one of the most researched problems in the field of computer vision. In this task, we try to classify a pixel as foreground or background. Even though numerous traditional machine learning and deep learning methods already exist for this problem, the two major issues with most of them are the need for large amounts of ground truth data and their inferior performance on unseen videos. Since every pixel of every frame has to be labeled, acquiring large amounts of data for these techniques gets rather expensive. Recently, Zhao et al. [1] proposed one of a kind Arithmetic Distribution Neural Network (ADNN) for universal background subtraction which utilizes probability information from the histogram of temporal pixels and achieves promising results. Building onto this work, we developed an intelligent video surveillance system that uses ADNN architecture for motion detection, trims the video with parts only containing motion, and performs anomaly detection on the trimmed video.
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Several self-supervised representation learning methods have been proposed for reinforcement learning (RL) with rich observations. For real-world applications of RL, recovering underlying latent states is crucial, particularly when sensory inputs contain irrelevant and exogenous information. In this work, we study how information bottlenecks can be used to construct latent states efficiently in the presence of task-irrelevant information. We propose architectures that utilize variational and discrete information bottlenecks, coined as RepDIB, to learn structured factorized representations. Exploiting the expressiveness bought by factorized representations, we introduce a simple, yet effective, bottleneck that can be integrated with any existing self-supervised objective for RL. We demonstrate this across several online and offline RL benchmarks, along with a real robot arm task, where we find that compressed representations with RepDIB can lead to strong performance improvements, as the learned bottlenecks help predict only the relevant state while ignoring irrelevant information.
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Sarcasm is a form of irony that involves saying or writing something that is opposite or opposite to what one really means, often in a humorous or mocking way. It is often used to mock or mock someone or something, or to be humorous or amusing. Sarcasm is usually conveyed through tone of voice, facial expressions, or other forms of nonverbal communication, but it can also be indicated by the use of certain words or phrases that are typically associated with irony or humor. Sarcasm detection is difficult because it relies on context and non-verbal cues. It can also be culturally specific, subjective and ambiguous. In this work, we fine-tune the RoBERTa based sarcasm detection model presented in Abaskohi et al. [2022] to get to within 0.02 F1 of the state-of-the-art (Hercog et al. [2022]) on the iSarcasm dataset (Oprea and Magdy [2019]). This performance is achieved by augmenting iSarcasm with a pruned version of the Self Annotated Reddit Corpus (SARC) (Khodak et al. [2017]). Our pruned version is 100 times smaller than the subset of SARC used to train the state-of-the-art model.
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We propose AnyTOD, an end-to-end task-oriented dialog (TOD) system with zero-shot capability for unseen tasks. We view TOD as a program executed by a language model (LM), where program logic and ontology is provided by a designer in the form of a schema. To enable generalization onto unseen schemas and programs without prior training, AnyTOD adopts a neuro-symbolic approach. A neural LM keeps track of events that occur during a conversation, and a symbolic program implementing the dialog policy is executed to recommend next actions AnyTOD should take. This approach drastically reduces data annotation and model training requirements, addressing a long-standing challenge in TOD research: rapidly adapting a TOD system to unseen tasks and domains. We demonstrate state-of-the-art results on the STAR and ABCD benchmarks, as well as AnyTOD's strong zero-shot transfer capability in low-resource settings. In addition, we release STARv2, an updated version of the STAR dataset with richer data annotations, for benchmarking zero-shot end-to-end TOD models.
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There has been significant work recently in developing machine learning models in high energy physics (HEP), for tasks such as classification, simulation, and anomaly detection. Typically, these models are adapted from those designed for datasets in computer vision or natural language processing without necessarily incorporating inductive biases suited to HEP data, such as respecting its inherent symmetries. Such inductive biases can make the model more performant and interpretable, and reduce the amount of training data needed. To that end, we develop the Lorentz group autoencoder (LGAE), an autoencoder model equivariant with respect to the proper, orthochronous Lorentz group $\mathrm{SO}^+(3,1)$, with a latent space living in the representations of the group. We present our architecture and several experimental results on jets at the LHC and find it significantly outperforms a non-Lorentz-equivariant graph neural network baseline on compression and reconstruction, and anomaly detection. We also demonstrate the advantage of such an equivariant model in analyzing the latent space of the autoencoder, which can have a significant impact on the explainability of anomalies found by such black-box machine learning models.
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Granular jamming has recently become popular in soft robotics with widespread applications including industrial gripping, surgical robotics and haptics. Previous work has investigated the use of various techniques that exploit the nature of granular physics to improve jamming performance, however this is generally underrepresented in the literature compared to its potential impact. We present the first research that exploits vibration-based fluidisation actively (e.g., during a grip) to elicit bespoke performance from granular jamming grippers. We augment a conventional universal gripper with a computer-controllled audio exciter, which is attached to the gripper via a 3D printed mount, and build an automated test rig to allow large-scale data collection to explore the effects of active vibration. We show that vibration in soft jamming grippers can improve holding strength. In a series of studies, we show that frequency and amplitude of the waveforms are key determinants to performance, and that jamming performance is also dependent on temporal properties of the induced waveform. We hope to encourage further study focused on active vibrational control of jamming in soft robotics to improve performance and increase diversity of potential applications.
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Spurious correlations in training data often lead to robustness issues since models learn to use them as shortcuts. For example, when predicting whether an object is a cow, a model might learn to rely on its green background, so it would do poorly on a cow on a sandy background. A standard dataset for measuring state-of-the-art on methods mitigating this problem is Waterbirds. The best method (Group Distributionally Robust Optimization - GroupDRO) currently achieves 89\% worst group accuracy and standard training from scratch on raw images only gets 72\%. GroupDRO requires training a model in an end-to-end manner with subgroup labels. In this paper, we show that we can achieve up to 90\% accuracy without using any sub-group information in the training set by simply using embeddings from a large pre-trained vision model extractor and training a linear classifier on top of it. With experiments on a wide range of pre-trained models and pre-training datasets, we show that the capacity of the pre-training model and the size of the pre-training dataset matters. Our experiments reveal that high capacity vision transformers perform better compared to high capacity convolutional neural networks, and larger pre-training dataset leads to better worst-group accuracy on the spurious correlation dataset.
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In this work, we introduce IndicXTREME, a benchmark consisting of nine diverse tasks covering 18 languages from the Indic sub-continent belonging to four different families. Across languages and tasks, IndicXTREME contains a total of 103 evaluation sets, of which 51 are new contributions to the literature. To maintain high quality, we only use human annotators to curate or translate\footnote{for IndicXParaphrase, where an automatic translation system is used, a second human verification and correction step is done.} our datasets. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first effort toward creating a standard benchmark for Indic languages that aims to test the zero-shot capabilities of pretrained language models. We also release IndicCorp v2, an updated and much larger version of IndicCorp that contains 20.9 billion tokens in 24 languages. We pretrain IndicBERT v2 on IndicCorp v2 and evaluate it on IndicXTREME to show that it outperforms existing multilingual language models such as XLM-R and MuRIL.
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